Creativity Workshop
We are here on this Earth to manifest our true Divine Self/ Essence as consciously as possible, the essence that is part of the pure energy of Unconditional Love. The same energy from which all were Created/ Exist/ Are.
I don't know if you know but everything that exists and doesn't exist at the same time, it represents the pure expression of the energy of Unconditional/ Universal Love, energy that does not disappear nor it is born, but it simply Transforms. Like this energy, we too are the same and also all beings in the universe.
Therefore, we, infinite divine beings, are here to manifest ourselfs in our purest form and at the same time to Co-Create with the Universe.
In continuare iti voi prezenta o parte din propriile creatii, creatii ce au prins contur iar altele au luat nastere in anul 2021 dupa o experienta unica si magica pe care am avut-o. Este vorba despre accesarea nivelului de constiinta 500 (ce reprezinta nivelul iubirii) sau exprimand din punctul de vedere al Unitatii, redeschiderea chakrei inimii si intrarea in Unitate prin simtire, ganduri, actiuni si tot ceea ce reprezinta Iubirea Neconditionata/ Universala. Aceasta experienta a reprezentat pentru mine punctul de inceput catre redescoperirea darurilor si abilitatilor si exprimarea lor din acest spatiu al Inimii, Unitatii 💚💛💜💫
Culinary arts and my experience
- For a long time I wanted to either try certain recipes or learn to cook, to have a direct experience both out of curiosity and pleasure/ passion. After many attempts and delays I finally managed to experience what I wanted and that is because I Allowed myself to do more, putting in the first place what I felt with the Heart and Co-Creating with the Universe ifrom this space of Unity and Unconditional Love.
- For the latest recipes for cookies, food and other details click on the cookie to acces the „Culinary arts - recepies„:
Spontaneous events from the heart space
- It all started on a beautiful summer day, when I was in the midst of rediscovering myself and what I felt to do/ follow. In a simple and innocent moment in which I was doing my things, I had a moment of divine inspiration which was later linked to a hidden and long forgotten desire from my heart, giving birth to the first event/ physical meeting. Everything went unexpectedly well and magically, rejoicing the hearts and the inner child of the participants.
- Click for details:
Creation of Unity projects
- Here is about 2 projects. The first conceived out of love for nature and everything around us, namely the project „One with Nature”. And the second one being „The Journey of my Essence” created from the desire to give with and from unconditional/ universal love to all beings that will resonate with the Discovery of the Divine Essence/ Self, inner transformation and conscious healing and much more. Both projects have as the main goal sharing of High Vibrations, Unity, Universal Love.
- More details about current and future projects, available here:
Sharing of High vibrations
- By sharing high vibrations I am referring to all the online posts Co-created with the Universe, posts meant to provide inspiration and guidance by expressing the emotions generated from one's own direct experiences. Everything being in close connection between divinity-being-nature (earth), body-mind-spirit.
- The entire content + the latest posts on:
- After experiencing all of the above, it was time for a new Magical Journey, individual, the one of group sessions, genekeys and much more available by accessing the button from bellow.
- This stage flow with some ease, everything taking shape and meaning on the path of my Heart and the continuation of the Journey to my Divine Essence.
The "Culinary arts - recipes!" Blog
Are you ready for something good? Something that you can Co-create whenever youwant?
- In order to combine the useful with the pleasant, I recently created the - "Culinary arts - recepies!"Blog, a place where you will find a variety of recipes for cookies, dishes + alimentation types as Healthy and Natural possible, for a Balanced, High Vibrational and in Harmony Life.
- I warmly invite you on the blog for a sweet and wonderful experience, where we can communicate and share gained experiences in the comments section of each post.
- Click on the cookie to access the entire Blog:
These are some examples of Co-creation with the Universe that flow from the space of the Heart, the space in which we bring and from which we express and experience only what really matters to our Heart and soul.
We come into this world, in this reality with certain abilities and gifts that manifest uniquely depending on a variety of factors which temporarily define us.
Now, I invite you on the „What are my gifts?” page to learn more about this topic by accessing the following button:
If you have certain creative interests, want to develop certain skills, gifts already acquired, or want to discover your potential, please fill in the form below or by accessing the following button to schedule a magical (Journey) session:
You can find us here!
We thank you with Love, Harmony and Affection for your visit!
We wish you a Magical Journey with Divine Grace and Blessings in Love, Harmony, Affection, Joy, Peace, Abundence, Prosperity, Truth, Gratitude, Light!