
Despre 💫

Each being, during his journey, meets a considerable number of people and has a wide range of unique experiences/ events/ situations that support and guide his evolution both directly and indirectly. You can choose to take a part of this wonderful journey towards your Divine Essence with the "Journey of Your Essence" team or with certain members you resonate with, as much as it is necessary for you.

Note - All sessions that will be held in another language, other than Romanian, will benefit from Assisted Translation 💚💛💜🤗💫

Numele meu este Bratu Angela iar una dintre pasiunile mele este aceea de a aduce vindecare in viata oamenilor prin intermediul experientelor acumulate si tehnicilor dezvoltate. Preocuparea fata de evolutia personala si autocunoastere mi-au adus nenumarate beneficii, ce mai departe mi-au oferit oportunitatea de a face cunostinta cu calea spiritualitatii. O cale minunata si magica ce m-a adus mai aproape de a sti cine sunt cu adevarat si anume o Esenta Divina, parte din intregul Creatiei 💚💛💜💫

Through my own personal journey I have discovered how to connect vibrations to allow others to awaken to their personal joy and spiritual illuminations. Through Aura Photography, Chakra Energy Readings, Crystal Energy Therapies and other Energy Medicine techniques that I've learned from Inka Shamans of Peru.
Through energy, crystals and the help of the angelic realms I can help illuminate your own true self. Through my Healing Crystal Shop I can help you find the perfect energy filled stones that can help reach your spiritual center. I'd love to be a part of your journey to complete spiritual wellness and discover all the joys of the balance brought by a body that's completely in tune with the heart and soul.

Have a taste with some High Vibrational Inalt Vibrationale ce au curs in mod inspirational, accesand butonul urmator (Disponibil in Curand) 💚💛💜🎶

For appointments or more details related to any subject, I invite you to fill in the following form or access the page

You can find us here!

We thank you with Love, Harmony and Affection for your visit!


We wish you a Magical Journey with Divine Grace and Blessings in Love, Harmony, Affection, Joy, Peace, Abundence, Prosperity, Truth, Gratitude, Light!
