Online Events

Online Events

💫 Ongoing Events 💫

Intalnirile Magice 💫​

The last event was finished with Succes!

Data: 08.08.2022 – UPDATE bellow 👇👇👇

Dear being reading these lines, 

Thank you for visiting this page and I cordially invite you to the next free Magical Meeting which will take place soon!


Scopul evenimentelor/ intalnirilor este acela de a ne conecta la nivelele Energetice si Vibrationale Inalte, Relaxa, elibera Copilul interior, de a crea si elibera magia proprie si unitara, discutii libere pe tema Spiritualitatii/ Ascensiunii, si multe altele.

Therefore, I will come back with a new post on social networks as well as on this page, when a new Event/ a new Magical Meeting will be available, followed by a confirmation message for the 100% development of the meetings, in case of the emergence of this necessity.


Until then, you can register by sending a message with "Particip” on one of the social media channels below or by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

Previous events

Magical Meeting 💚🌞💫🙏

Data: 08.08.2022 – Event finished with Succes!

Dear being reading these lines, 
🌞🎁 On the occasion of the Lion's Portal 🦁 from 08.08.2022, I warmly invite you to the online Magical Meeting 💫🔯😍 which will take place on August 8, at 21:00 on Zoom. During this meeting we will address both the theme of Ascension and those of the Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual plane, all taking place in a pleasant, relaxing and wonderful atmosphere 💚🤗


⚡What is the Lion's Portal? 🦁 It is a portal made up of an extremely powerful energy corridor, connecting the New Moon of July 28 and the Full Moon of August 11, the power of manifestation being activated to the maximum 💚😍💫


Participation in the online Magical Meeting is Free 😍🎁

Access to this Meeting will be based on the following Zoom link - click on the icon

Meeting ID: 923 536 4698

Password: complete the form/ send social media message

For any other details related to the meeting or not only, I invite you to fill out the following form or you can send us a message on one of the channels below 🕊️

We are waiting for you on August 8 to start a wonderful Journey and create Magic! 💚🕊️🙏

Original ad link:

„Intalnire Magica”

Data: 13.08.2021




Event link:

„Intalnire Magica 2”
Data: 21.09.2021



Event link:

You can find us here!

For appointments or more details related to any subject, I invite you to fill in the following form or access the page

We thank you with Love, Harmony and Affection for your visit!


We wish you a Magical Journey with Divine Grace and Blessings in Love, Harmony, Affection, Joy, Peace, Abundence, Prosperity, Truth, Gratitude, Light!
