The best locations in Romania to start your Spiritual Journey 💚💛💜💫
Meditation group of communion with master Saint Germain for the raising of frequency of vibration of all beings on Earth (Telegram) 💚💛💜💫
Meditation group of communion with Ashtar, God the Father and countless beings of light, ascended masters, etc. for Earth Ascension (Telegram)
🧘♀️😇🙏🕊️💫💜💛💚 Techniques and practices for Meditation 💚💛💜💫🕊️🙏😇🧘♀️
Meditation for beginners/seekers 💫
Short description of what "To meditate" means, meditation in the true sense 💫🙏
Meditating is a state of being in which the individual is aware as much as possible of everything that is both inside and outside. Practically, the more aware we are, the more we enter a state of meditation regardless of the situation or activity 😇
Active awareness allows us to be in a state/flow of continuous flow with everyone and everything inside/outside reaching a state of Total Unity because we allow ourselves to be in the acceptance of everything that exists, getting used to the discomfort, and entering into Love Unconditional/Divine through constant and conscious active practice, and the integration of the previously mentioned 💚💛💜💫🙏
In order to reach the previously described level, depending on the individual, certain steps are required or it can also be realized/manifested spotan (temporary or permanent spotan by accessing and materializing from the Quantic field level) depending on the evolution of each and the path the chosen one 💫😇
It all depends on how much we want to evolve (the level of burning/ardor) so that the evolution process is amplified or not, but it should be remembered that the competition is with ourselves and in the end when we reach the state of Being from the level described at the beginning but this desire/perception/emotion dissolves in Total Unity 💚💛💜💫🙏
Meditation can be done initially in several forms depending on the resonance of the individual until he reaches a certain level of integration that allows him to practice more and more directly. These can be guided meditations, direct or indirect, but the most effective method to start is the one through which we work directly with ourselves (self-empowerment/discovery).
Each level is created to guide the practitioner towards self-empowerment so that he can start in the right way from the inside out and further towards the unification of the being.
- If the practitioner feels the need for tools/factors external to his being to help/guide/support him in his process, he can choose this way, but it is always preferable to take a more direct approach in everything we do, not for superficial reasons, but to be able to operate as correctly as possible in and from the inner - outer world, i.e. interdependent and not codependent or independent, both being extremes of unity that lead to inner - outer separation / disharmony.
- Therefore, it is indicated that the tools/external factors (audio/video materials, techniques, etc.) should not become a routine/rule, but should be used as little as possible, moving towards the cultivation of the desired/high attributes in and from the inside. What is born/discovered from within is always more solid and durable, strengthening the current foundation and "working platform" more and more.
For starters and in general before starting a meditation in "manual" mode, that is, which is not yet at the level of the one in the description "What does it mean to meditate?" above, it is preferable/indicated to set/state an intention that will help/assist us in the integration and manifestation of the highest version of our being.
We can say this, and with time as we repeat, we will come to feel/integrate/universally understand these words on all levels, even if initially they seem partially/totally unknown/foreign:
"I set my intention firmly - I am always a detached witness, perfect fine observer, perfect master, centered in the Heart/Spiritual Heart (Sacred) 100%", and we can use only that, or we can further add "Focused 70-80% on the inside , in a state of active presence, aligned mind-body-spirit-heart in a state of neutrality",
affirmation that will prepare us each time to enter the meditation mode more and more automatically until we naturally become what we practiced, namely the state of Being.
Level 1 - The Beginning
- We sit in a comfortable position, preferably one in which the spine/back is as straight as possible to allow the flow of energy to flow easily, and we relax as deeply as possible, bringing attention to the central area of the chest in the Heart/Heart Spiritual (Sacred), seeking to feel our nature deeply the Self
- We set the firm intention - "I am always a detached witness, a fine perfect observer, a perfect master, centered in the Heart/Spiritual Heart (Sacred) 100%"
- We allow ourselves to be as much as possible with everything that is/appears inside us as well as outside, just observing without giving way to thoughts, emotions, states, etc., seeking to be at the center of our being as everyone perceives it
Level 2 - Accomodation
- We sit in a position where the spine/back is as straight as possible to allow the flow of energy to flow easily, and we relax as deeply as possible, bringing our attention to the central area of the chest in the Heart/Spiritual Heart (Sacred), seeking to feel our nature deeply the Self
- We can also affirm the following intention for a faster integration of the active meditative state, affirming "Set the intention firmly - I am always a detached witness, a fine perfect observer, centered in the Heart/Spiritual Heart (Sacred) 100%, focused 70-80% on the inside , in a state of active presence, aligned mind-body-spirit-heart in a state of neutrality"
- Next, we only aim to be as much as possible with everything that is/appears inside us as well as outside, just observing without giving way to thoughts, emotions, states, etc., seeking to be at the center of our being as everyone perceives it.
- Gradually, there will be a natural detachment, a demarcation between our natural state of Being, our Divine Self and the rest of things (thoughts, emotions, etc.), things that, looking at the overall picture, are part of the same All Unitary / Total Unity but which also keep us trapped in the illusions of the low frequency dimensions preventing us from accessing the high dimensions and at the same time the evolution and integration of the Unity that We Are
- As we advance in this process of evolution and self-knowledge we create/Co-create with the Universe the space through and from which we can deprogram, heal and evolve 💚💛💜💫
💫 The goal is to reach the ultimate state of neutrality, detached witness, fine perfect observer (as if watching a movie) 🙏
Level 3 - The Expansion
- Step 1 and 2 from the model of the previous levels have already been integrated into level 3 due to the constant practice/level of individual evolution/transformation
- Being centered in Himself as much as possible, the individual can access the state of Being automatically, and when he leaves it, he can bring it back/re-enter it by simple intention due to the level of cultivated mastery
- Everything flows with ease and divine grace because the thoughts, emotions, states, situations that arise can be easily dissolved in and out of the state of neutrality/unity/detachment previously cultivated through constant practice/level of evolution/individual transformation
- As the individual flows with the previously mentioned different awarenesses and states of being (Satori) appear that bring him ever closer to the Truth and natural state of Being, namely One with everything and all
- And in the end, depending on the personal evolution of each individual, through awareness, deprogramming, detachment and a state of being as constant/strong/deep as possible, surprisingly/magically can reach the state of permanent Enlightenment in and through which the individual (the ego) dissolves into the Total/Universal Unity, becoming one with it, but only on an emotional, mental and spiritual level, because on a physical level it can choose to remain in this reality, or not
„🕊️ Journey of my Essence 🕊️” - Guide 💚💛💜💫
The "" project was born for the first time in the form of a small guide called "The Journey of my Essence", a guide created in October 2021 in order to provide guidance, easy and direct, on some essential aspects of life on Earth that helps, sustains and develops the evolution of any being eager for inner transformation, the development of its unlimited potential and the return to its Divine Essence. This small and powerful spiritual guide it is the 100% result of my own real and direct experiences that took place during the year of 2021, having as a central point the first physical event created which took place in that summer (more details about this event can be found in "In person Events" section)
Playlist with music for Relaxation and High Vibrations or Movement and Energy 💚💛💜💫
Next, we can connect with some examples of vibrations depending on what we feel to experience, thus outlining an idea about the differences and effects between the two categories:
Viewed from the perspective of Unity, the two categories are experienced as neutral, the difference being the degree of awareness and the state of presence obtained which allows for a purely observantory experimentation.
News, Recepies, Posts, Pages, etc. from webpage 💚💛💜💫
- Brownie 😋21 May
- Oatmeal thin "bread" 😋21 May
- Candies rolled in chocolate 😋21 May
- Banana bread 😋21 May
- Fruits cake 😋08 May
- Ice cream for mind, body and spirit30 Apr
- New Snickers recepie23 Apr
- Digestive crackers 😋23 Apr
- Home made Bread 😋27 Mar
- Culinary arts - recepies07 Mar
- Latest posts07 Mar
- New recipe! - a different kind of Snickers 🙂05 Mar
- Donations
- "🕊️ Journey of my Essence 🕊️" Guide - Chapter 4
- "🕊️ Journey of my Essence 🕊️" Guide - Chapter 3
- "🕊️ Journey of my Essence 🕊️" Guide - Chapter 2
- Healing through dance/ movement
- Collaborations
- Beacon
- Free Session
- What are my gifts, abilities?
- Discover Yourself
- Creativity Workshops
- Group Sessions
- Evenimente fizice
- Online Events
- Resources
- Retreat
- Guiding You
- "🕊️ Journey of my Essence 🕊️" Guide - Chapter 1
- One with Nature
- Events
Movies recomandations - Spirituality, Life Itself, Plenary Living
Allow yourself to see, feel and experience Unconditional Love, Divine Love and disolve everything into Unity through the following movies 💚💛💜💫
The latest posts, announcements, articles, events, etc. 💚💛💜💫
Other Magical Resources 💚💛💜💫
Enjoy listening!
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We wish you a Magical Journey with Divine Grace and Blessings in Love, Harmony, Affection, Joy, Peace, Abundence, Prosperity, Truth, Gratitude, Light!