Congratulation for your first step!

In these sessions we will go through everything in a state of free flowing, so that the benefit will be 100%. 

The sessions are open and available for anyone who feels to rediscover their Divine Self/ Essence, to consciously begin their inner transformation, for clarity, guidance, healing and more. 

Thus, with the first step taken by you, the Journey of your Essence will begin/ continue, and I will guide you through it as much as it will be necessary.

Let's embark on a new magical Journey!

Group sessions represent the way in which 2 or more beings gradually move from the state of separation to the state of unity through identification, recognition and dissolution of illusions/ perceptions/ patterns, etc., thus reaching what we really are in Essence and that is Unconditional, Universal Love. 

Set your intentions and let them unfold in a wonderful and magical Journey!

Everthing starts with a first step in any direction you choose to go. The guide "The Journey of My Essence" represents a personal creation that was born from direct experiences in 2021 and aims to guide any being willing and determined to begin/ continue their own Journey towards its Divine Essence and of internal transformation/ alchemization in a more conscious way.

Allow Yourself to more!

Creativity Workshop 💫

What are we doing here? What did we came for? What is the purpose?

We are here on this Earth right now to learn to Co-create with the Universe, and not anyway. This Co-creation will manifest/ bear fruit to the fullest when we do it from the space of our Heart, from the space of Unconditional Love and as consciously as possible. 

You will find the detailed answer to these questions in the section specially dedicated to Creation, by accessing the next button:

Wanna start Co-Create?

What are my gifts, abilities? 💫

What makes me unique? How can I find out? 

You've probably had at least one of these questions in mind at some point. And it is very possible that you have already discovered the answer, either you didn't or you did only partially.

Well, absolutely all of us are born with certain gifts, abilities that are inscribed in our DNA, awakened or in a latent state, waiting to be discovered, seen and put into practice. In this way unlocking even more of the unlimited potential of Co-creator which exist in all beings.

A transcendental state of great compassion and inner freedom!

We all contain certain divine manifestations (high frequencies) that give us access to our higher purpose!

Healing through Dance, Music, Moving 💫

It is said that the entire Creation is a pure representation of the energy that vibrates at certain frequencies. 

An extremely refined piece of music, detailed and precise, made up of a vast number of notes, frequencies, vibrations which are dancing harmoniously on the Divine stage, through divine Grace.

Music, Dance, and Movement are essentially excellent methods of creative expression with a miraculous Healing effect, especially when we allow ourselves to experience as consciously as possible the Divine Source of who we are.

You are a gift which is worth to be fully explored!

Events 💫

Both in person and online events/ meetings are a good way for connecting and self-discovery/ evolution for absolutely anyone. 

Moments of joy and high vibrations are the main ingredients that produce a quick, intense and long-lasting healing.

This is due to the way in which healing takes place on a subtle, structural, multidimensional, etc. level, even when we do nothing in particular or we do it as consciously as possible. 

See when the next Event is available to participate!

Why we Love Nature and Creation itself 💫

Nature represents the bridge to this physical world, and through it we have the chance and the honor to experience directly and transparently the Unconditional, Universal Love. Acea iubire din care toate sunt create/ exista, si anume energia universala a Creatiei.

Everything we perceive, think, feel, surround us is part of and is a direct expression of this universal energy whose elements vibrate on a certain frequency. 

As we Allow ourselves to connect as much, directly and freely as possible, we will gain a deeper understanding of who and what we are, and we will have an experience as unique and as close as possible to our true Divine Essence.

You can find us here!

For appointments or more details related to any subject, I invite you to fill in the following form or access the page

We thank you with Love, Harmony and Affection for your visit!


We wish you a Magical Journey with Divine Grace and Blessings in Love, Harmony, Affection, Joy, Peace, Abundence, Prosperity, Truth, Gratitude, Light!
