One with Nature

And so the story begins! 💫

Ever since I was a kid I loved nature. Something always attracted me, something was always eternally mysterious and attractive, gentle and inviting, as if there was no separation but a deeply rooted connection at a subtle and very subtle/ energetic level. Over time I've developed an even deeper connection through the countless unique experiences that have left their mark on my soul and heart, slowly and surely contributing to the dusting of the already existing bond formed at the beginning of the beginnings 💚💛💜💫


When was that? At the moment we don't know yet but we will find out 🙂
And moving quickly through the years closer to our times, getting to my first job that gave me the chance to be in contact with the spirit of the Earth for as long as possible. And yet I was not present enough, something seemed to be missing, until one day when I began to dedicate myself to personal development and at the same time to a unique project meant to gather everything in a unit as palpable as possible 💫


The direction towards self-knowledge and implicitly the journey inwards, towards my Divine Essence (spark), simultaneously with the intensification of the passion for the respective project gave birth to, or rather revived what already exists inside, namely the love for Nature and for all and sundry on this planet and beyond 💫

These two blessings/ miracles helped me to gradually deprogram/ decondition myself, thus being reborn in what has always existed but I could not recognize - Unconditional Love, Universal Love 💚💛💜💫


As I savored this magical connection more and more consciously and presently, a deep sense of unconditional devotion engulfed me as I completed a shopping mission 🙂 in my hometown (Moreni), thus with the first moment captured that day. Wonderful spring (attached picture) gave birth to the project - "One with Nature" 💫


A project for Unity and Unconditional Love, a generator of high emotions and vibrations, in order to awaken the same fire and passion in the hearts and souls of all those who will have come into contact with even a single part of this chapter of universal existence 💚💛💜💫

Then, two years later, followed the projects "Journey of my Essence” – the guide, „Guiding You” – the Facebook group, the page and the community, the website, and probably others will be born in the present/near future 💚💛💜💫

You can find us here!

For appointments or more details related to any subject, I invite you to fill in the following form or access the page

We thank you with Love, Harmony and Affection for your visit!


We wish you a Magical Journey with Divine Grace and Blessings in Love, Harmony, Affection, Joy, Peace, Abundence, Prosperity, Truth, Gratitude, Light!
