Healing through Dancing, Moving,

What does it means?

Absolutely everything around us, including us as beings, is energy that vibrates at a certain frequency depending on the case/ example. 

We can further translate this thing/ overview as a dance/ a single piece of music representing the entire Universe/ Creation itself in continuous manifestation/ expansion, and everything that takes shape and disappears into and out of this "boundless" space can be said to represent a part of this dance/ musical note, more or less, which follows its course of existence on the rhythm and duration of the main act/ piece.

So, what we are interested in knowing is that we are sensitive beings, some of us being extra-sensitive, and everything that comes from outside and inside produces a certain effect in our energy field, influencing and modifying pleasantly or not the state of our vibrational frequency. So it is important as to what we are consciously or unconsciously exposing ourselfs both from the outside (music, noises, situations, etc.) and even more important from the inside (thoughts, emotions, moods, etc.).

How does it help us?

Sensitivity is a gift that allows us to come into contact with our feminine part (feminine energy), a part that is contained/ present within any being in the form of Yin (feminine energy) and Yang (masculine energy) energies. Yang energy is associated with light, reason, action, power, determination, masculinity, etc., and Yin energy is associated with emotions, instincts, intuition, patience, peace, gentleness, rest, sensitivity, creativity, femininity, etc.

These energies are opposite and complete each other through harmonization, counterbalancing, balancing.

A gift which is worth exploring fully!


Both Dance and Music, in general, can bring innumerable benefits to the total state of the whole being as well as to certain specific parts/ bodies (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual body including the celestial bodies), as long as the two are realized and practiced/ experienced from and within a state of presence/ awareness as high/ intentional as possible, and a vibrational frequency of music as high and clean as possible. 

Examples of Dance Benefits:

  • relieving stress and pain
  • release dissolution negativity, fears
  • increasing the level of love, compassion, sensitivity, etc.
  • increasing the level of creativity
  • relaxation of the physical, emotional, mental body
  • increase in vibration / energy level
  • connection with divinity
  • etc.

Exemple de beneficii ale Muzicii de vibratie inalta:

  • relieving stress and pain
  • release dissolution negativity, fears
  • increasing the level of love, compassion, peace, relaxation, sensitivity, etc.
  • detoxifying cells, tissues, etc.
  • raising the energetic level
  • connection with the Divine Self, angels, etc.
  • etc.

Nota: It should be noted that both dance and music are a set of instruments/ tools that help us to unlock, release, improve, etc., certain parts, energies, states, etc. present in our bodies and fields, and is not the main healing solution. Complete, deep and lasting healing takes place when we work directly with ourselves, through practical work and awareness.


In addition to the high vibrational music, we can also connect to the ones with lower vibrations, consciously or not, or as a result of a direct or indirect action that exposes us to the respective situations. It all depends on us what we choose to experience, when, how and if we feel, it is important to do it as consciously as possible, from the state of presence, thus partially/ totally diminishing/ alchemizing the unwanted effects.

Examples of Low Vibrational Music effects:

  • the possibility of maintaining/ amplifying stress and pain
  • the possibility of maintaining/ amplifying negativity, fears
  • the possibility of affecting the level of love, compassion, etc.
  • the possibility of maintaining/ amplifying the existing states, programs, beliefs
  • etc.

Next, we can connect with some examples of vibrations depending on what we feel to experience, thus outlining an idea about the differences and effects between the two categories:

Viewed from the perspective of Unity, the two categories are experienced as neutral, the difference being the degree of awareness and the state of presence obtained which allows for a purely observantory experimentation.

I invite you with joy to embark on a wonderful Journey to our Divine Essence, discovering the magic of who we are! 

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We thank you with Love, Harmony and Affection for your visit!


We wish you a Magical Journey with Divine Grace and Blessings in Love, Harmony, Affection, Joy, Peace, Abundence, Prosperity, Truth, Gratitude, Light!
